How to prevent radiation damage in argon arc welding?

  1. Sources and hazards of radiation

The thorium tungsten electrode used in argon arc welding and plasma arc welding contains 1-1.2% thorium oxide, which is a radioactive substance that is affected by radiation during welding and contact with thorium tungsten rods.


Radiation acts on the human body in two forms: external irradiation and internal irradiation through the respiratory and digestive systems. A large number of investigations and measurements on shielded argon arc welding and plasma arc welding have shown that their radioactive hazards are relatively small, as the daily consumption of thorium tungsten electrodes is only 100-200 milligrams, with extremely low radiation doses and little impact on the human body.


But there are two situations that must be noted:

One issue is poor ventilation during welding inside the container, and radioactive particles in the smoke may exceed hygiene standards;

Secondly, when grinding thorium tungsten rods and in locations where thorium tungsten rods are present, the concentration of radioactive aerosols and dust can reach or even exceed hygiene standards.


Radioactive substances invading the body can cause chronic radiative diseases, mainly manifested in weakened general functional status, obvious weakness and weakness, significantly reduced resistance to infectious diseases, weight loss and other symptoms.


  1. Measures to prevent radiation damage

1) Thorium tungsten rods should have dedicated storage equipment, and when stored in large quantities, they should be hidden in iron boxes and installed with exhaust pipes.  


  • When using a closed cover for welding, the cover should not be opened during operation. When manually operating, it is necessary to wear a protective helmet or take other effective measures.


  • Special grinding wheels should be prepared to grind thorium tungsten rods. The grinding wheel machine should be equipped with dust removal equipment. The grinding debris on the ground of the grinding wheel machine should be regularly wet cleaned and deeply buried.


  • When grinding thorium tungsten rods, dust masks should be worn. After contact with thorium tungsten rods, hands should be washed with flowing water and soap, and work clothes and gloves should be cleaned regularly.


5)When welding and cutting, choose reasonable specifications to avoid excessive burning of thorium tungsten rods.